Hello Moto! Finally found one user with it on Direct connect and I'm a bit sick of hearing it myself but I've uploaded it to my space for you lot who keep carping on about it! Right click and Save Target as Paul Van Dyk - Motorola Music
ive got two versions, one i ripped from the motorola website, its just a loop, its the vesrion of the advert. and then one i ripped from : Paul van dyk - live @ Monstermix In Club oky o1-17-2002
is that from a pvd set?? that's the steve murano mix of dark monks - insane mixing in isn't it!!wierd!
He played it @ Passion when i went and he has played it on that set ! I think "Dark Monks" is a shit tune !
it's good as a comedy hard trance tune but i wouldn't have thought it was serious enought to be a pvd tune!!:spangled: