help!!! need a class excuse so i can get outta goin 2 work 2nite thats nto gonna make em get in a mood or hate me, its marissas 21st n i wud av to start at 7 n finish at 4 which wud mean missin all her party which im not prepared to do so need a class excuse to get me off work thats gonna make all the managers feel sorry 4 me rather than get in a mood with me lol, cos dont like to think im in anyones bad books!! lol!! xxx
Re: help!!! just call in sick.. i used to do it all the time... give brucey boy a quick wink.. he'll be putty in your hands haha - i didnt wink at bruce btw
go into work...sauy ur feeling a little off, then eat a teaspoom of bicarbonate soda and a teaspoon full of vinegar...will make u sick for 15 mins...throw up on ur boss then go home...u'll b fine
cud have a car crash and catch an STD off sum1 cos their blood gets on ya....kill 2 birds with 1 stone! or u cud have a car crash...but the other person in the car is a fit as fuck blonde shag her n catch an std..... all possibilities