
Discussion in 'Technology' started by TheSpence, Jul 5, 2008.

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  1. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    After starting from scratch with my PC, I have a few teething problems.

    Registry Mechanic fires up & does a check every time I log on, how do I remove it from starting up on logging on.

    I now have a Audio CD (D: ) & a CD Drive(E: ), previously I am sure I only had one CD drive, when I put a music CD in it locks my PC & does not play.

    Used the same windows product key as before but a different disk, I cant get rid of Activate Windows & because of this I cant use Windows updater.

    Drivers I have pretty much muddled my way through getting what I need but ran a driver scan & I may have few out of date drivers, is there any program that scans & uploads for FREE?

    Cheers for any help & any additional information anyone can give me regarding getting my PC back up running.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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  4. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    Re: Help

    Registry Mechanic fires up & does a check every time I log on, how do I remove it from starting up on logging on. Click Start > Run type MSCONFIG, select 'Startup' Tab, untick what you don't want

    I now have a Audio CD (D: ) & a CD Drive(E: ), previously I am sure I only had one CD drive, when I put a music CD in it locks my PC & does not play. sounds like 1 might be a virtual drive, come with Nero or Alcohol 120 or other CD/DVD Ripping softeware. Right Click 'My Computer' Select 'Manage', scroll down list to 'Disk Management' - you'll be able to see you physical drives and work it out from there.

    Used the same windows product key as before but a different disk, I cant get rid of Activate Windows & because of this I cant use Windows updater. Have you got a proper key? if not, you'll need 'WGA Fixer' - google for a way around it

    Drivers I have pretty much muddled my way through getting what I need but ran a driver scan & I may have few out of date drivers, is there any program that scans & uploads for FREE? No. there's only a few devices, get the manufactuers name of the device and go to their website. if it works, don't fix it - only stuff u have to update occasionally is GFX cards/

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