high waves anyone been down the coast today and seen the size of those waves? weve got a quite tall lighthouse down ourway and these waves are going over 3x the height of it, totally engulfing the pier and the waves on the beach must be about 6 metres tall
That tiny black and white thing is like a full size lighthouse. They were alot bigger until i got me phone out though, I missed the big ones.
When I was a 14 yr old (charv) I got stuck on the end of the pier when the waves started coming over. We had to try and time how long it took for the wave to hit so we could run along. I'm sure Lee got stuck once and crawled back so he didnt get washed off.
LMFAO yeah i remember that, was me and birdy trying to see who could go the furthest, i got an extra 5 metres or so but when i turned back round a wave had cut me off and the swell washed over the pier, must of been nearly 2 feet of water as soon as it landed i waded through it then another one came and i grapped onto the track that runs along the top.... moment of pure idiocy that from us lot
ive got some piccures showing bigger waves than those but got nee way to get em on here, got no wire, unless i text you them
You'd of only got washed into the calm side of the pier. I wouldn't wanna fall into the sea on the other side. Fuck me! You'd survive for about erm 10 seconds before being smashed up.
if you notice on the other side its alot calmer but the waves are still high, and thers a horrible under current there than pulls everything out, id have been washed out to sea probably
What was the point in that btw? I can't see any good coming from doing the mushroom. You look like a floating piece of shit in the water, your head is submerged, you can't see wtf is going on anywhere and you can only do it for as long as you can hold your breath. There's no real life situation where anyone could ever benefit from the mushroom Star float all the way...
I can't remember ever seeing any black swimmers when I used to have swimming lessons with the school.. Weird!
That's because they cant swim. Not being racist or owt like. Just checked me phone while getting them beach pics and seen this from the toilet wall at work. It's riddled with BNP propaganda but this caught my eye.