Holiday nightmares! Was watching something about Club 18-30 nightmares last night (of which I thought some weren't even nightmares!) Anyone had any really bad experiences on their hols with pals? I mean the drinking, clubbing style holidays not hols with mummy and daddy! I ran my friend over in a go-kart once! The breaks didn't work so I thought the only way to stop was to crash into the fence....... only my mate stepped in my path and I took him clean out! He landed on the boiling hot engine of my Kart. Burns and injuries galore!
One of me work mates broke his neck the 2nd day into a two week holiday in Ayia Napa.. Wasnt a nice sight at all, i had to pull him out of the pool with some London bloke and he went to the local clinic place - from there he was taken to Nicosia where they wanted to operate straight away - to this day he hasnt had an operation and into the 2nd week he was flown home to be told on the spot he'd broke his neck - nothing like that was said in Cyrpus tho and they were just after the ££ - bastards.. The whole holiday was turned on its side then cos he was the reason i was there and everyone was just really after it. Drink does funny things - the water he dived into was just below my knee level so you can imagine how shallow it was I get canny scared now when i see me mates pissing about doing this n that after what i seen and went thru - travelling an hr n a half there/back every day to see someone in a foreign hospital isnt nice when they dont know fuck all Be careful people...
friend of mine fel off of a 1st floor balcony an landed on his heed!!!! fucked him rite up, 2nd day of a fortnight, 12stitches an shed loads of anti-biotics it was daft o'clock in the mornin so we got a taxi to the doctors but he was asleep so we ended up smashing one of his windows coz we were banging so hard to try an wake him up, got arrested an fined of fthe pigs john's rite about them spick fucks jus tryin to get there hands on ya £££££££££ BE REALLY CAREFUL PEEPS