House Sets... any1 know where i can get any decent house sets to download? stuff like buckleys stuff, a bit techy, dark an dirty but still fun!
Not to download, but to stream, check A mate of mine played before Buckley at the Kick The Habit first birthday and reckoned he was gash.... Still, some class mixes on that site...
Oh, and... (think you can stream and download from here)
he's been good when i've seen him? well who i assume is him anyways! hes always on last or near the end of the night? thanks for the link mate!
Fuck knows mate. Something bout his tunes being good and his mixes were gash. Might have been the other way round though, I was pissed when he told me. There's one or two Slum Science mixes on UGH, they're local boys to you. Although those sets are recorded live @ WHQ up here...
tunes are good but couldn't tell you about his mixing! esp last week cos we hit the student bars early to catch all the freshers!
Good choice I did have a couple of Mozzi's mixes on my computer that you probably would've liked, think he plays similar to Buckley. I can't find the fuckers though :evil: I'll have a trawl through, or get 'em off Moz again and send you 'em