How does car insurance work? Say you have two cars. You're fully comp on one. Are you third party on the other? Also, if you're fully comp on a low insurance group car, are you third party on a higher group insurance car?
whether you're fully comp or 3rd party will be tied to individual cars - it'll be explicitly explained. Most full comp policies give u 3rd party rights to drive another car without it being on your actual policy - but not if it's owned by you or is a 2nd car, if u see what i mean. i think.
You can have as many cars as you like as long as you have a valid and live policy on EACH car , TPFT (third party fire n theft) or FC is totally up to you it dont matter on the type of car ,value or ins group , its more down to your personal needs eg theres no point say a 19 yr old goin fully comp on a car worth 700 quid if they crash and the XS is 500 so youd go TPFT and so on what car/s have you got and ill tell you the best way to go about it p.s im and insurance complience officer for swinton insurance so i will know ..
no mate you are right in a way but this beleif is gettin shit loads of people into trouble coe the assume that if they are FC then their ins for any car tbh the ins industry is doin away with the drivin other cars soon as this is causing too much confusion as an example one case wh have where a 25 yr old lad has ins a 1.0 nova FC thinkin it ins him on his "dads" BMW then proceeded to wipe out 6 cars down one street (un-fuckin-lucky) ins refuse to pay now the lads got about 60-odd grand debt possibly hangin over his head when the MIB get hold of him
Just finished uni and me and the lady are looking to buy a sports car (so group 19/20). Was hoping there was a loophole somewhere to get my insurance down buy holding on to my Punto.
no not really but if you do decide to keep the punto (god knows why LOL )sorry i used to have one and hated it) who ever has the most NCB put the bigger car in their name then insure the punto as a second car as long as the main holder of the big car has full NCB eg 5yrs then they should mirror them on the 2nd car policy, any probs giz a shout