How many days roughly will I be in Uni? Im wanting to do a part time musical engineering course aswell if i have a spare day
Re: Re: How many days roughly will I be in Uni? wont have a spare day hmm maybe i could do it on a night time then cheers for the info
Your first two years you just do a weeks solid revision at the end but for your third year you need lots of time
I didn't even do that I got a doctors note for 2 of them so they gave me my coursework marks *note to self, should've spent time on essays
uni was a piece of piss like, our exam papers were seen ones to, so all i had to do was revise the answer then go in and write it out as fast as i could
Re: How many days roughly will I be in Uni? It depends what course you're doing and what uni! If you're doing an Arts subject, I guess you won't be in that much but if you're doing Sciences, you will have plenty of time in the lab. In my first year I think I was in about 10 hours a week and then in the 2nd and 3rd years 6 hours per week. It wasn't that difficult, as I managed to work 30 hours in a supermarket during my 1st and 2nd year on top of my uni work!
My 1st & 2nd years at uni involved between 30 & 35 hours lectures/labs every week. Last year was a total joke as we 'only' had 14 hours a week.
When I was doing my professional studies we were in mon to Thurs 9 - 5pm, 3 hours of homework a night and worked all day Sat. If a degree was done like that you'd get it knocked out in a year and save ££ on fees.