how many ppl have pulled..... a sicky today I had to, I couldnt face to even pick the phone up let alone attempt to hold a sensible conversation.....come on now who else has ?????
i'm currently hid behind my desk with mi office door shut... had a full on night fri listening to Guy O do his stuff... but back to normal now...
I havent altho i was gonna, I was playing paintball yesterday up witton castle. Paintballs didnt hurt but i jumped on a log and did me knee in! Heh ive put in my hols for the rest of the year, ive got all dec off!
eeeesh mr revel me dont fink ur in a position to comment hee hee!! hows ya feelin now by the way is ya feelin any betta hope u are....i know we probs had this conversation last week at promise 4 mr project n matty but i was a bit worse 4 wear so cant remember what u said!! xxxx
haha...not too bad cheers rach, much better than i have been! still a few things the doc needs to sort, but hopefully ill be back on top form soon!!! ill be round @ your later to collect a set Mr Bri is getting for me , so ill give you the low down then if ya like!
lol, me, dexta n fufu all pulled sickies today... my first one ever... wouldnt have done, but Dexta s train back home yesterday was cancelled, so i pulled sickie so we could go shoppin round Camden and Covent Garden... Cybershopping but he got a call from his boss and got properly wrong!! So that was cut short but top weekend
lol, nah i d planned for that, i had fake glasses n a nose on i was in complete disguise! but we didnt even go there in the end
I was not happy:evil: Stoopid boss Yes i pulled a sicky but sein as i waz at the other end of the country wif no way of geting home (bar walkin) i think im excused Had 5 days in a row off now. Dont think boss is best pleased:angel: Ken how is that sore throat of urs
I considered pulling a sicky today, was ill b4 weekend began and am even worse now. Shud have stayed in bed on sat and sun. Then again i consider pulling sickies evreryday even when i feel great!