argh, i might puke i love baby stuff.....NOT BABIES THO or kittens!!!!!! i like baby pigs, and baby dogs, and baby little animals, and baby pandas
baby pandas look like an experiment gone wrong I love kittens got one thats only 12 weeks old and an old fart of a one thats about 5 years old who is my life cats are cool
Re: Re: how mint is this? oh my dear lord, not seeing anything like these in my life, lemmings spring to mind
Where did you get these pics from? Are they recent? If they're new babies, thats amazing!! Panda's are really rare, something like 150 in the whole world
:lecture: :samurai: Thats an awful thing to say! This is an animal that could very well be extinct soon!
if you think about it though, animals that we farm and eat will never get extinct, cows, pigs, sheep, so i might be a good idea to start eating them.