How Much??? Jesus Christ Live with parents at the moment and thinking about gettin my own place, i earn around 260 a week and asked a family friend last night who owns apartments and flats in the area what the prices are like, he told me cheapest im looking at 150 a week for everything and that's not including food and all the other stuff i need money for. He started to go on about how i'm gonna need to go back to college to get a better career if i want my own place, ehich got me utterly depressed as the thought of living with my parents for another 2 year makes me sick. Is 260 a week not enough?? Gem x
Re: How Much??? At the minute I'm on less than that until next week and I've got a mortgage, so you must be ab;e to get something!!! I thought rooms to rent were only about £50 a week
yeah did actually want my own place rather than sharing, but to be honest i'd probably drive myself crazy being alone with my head. The thing wit sharing is that i'm always worried incase i end up sharing wit a bunch of right boring twats that would fu*kin kill me. :spangled:
Most people I know who rent somewhere decent but shared pay around £300 a month. It very much depends on where you are looking etc.
dont mind to be honest i live in gateshead but would probs prefer town, heaton, jesmond somewhere like that. x
well cant exactly say to be ppl how lush i am but there would definatly not be any naked walking, maybe some naked gymnastics though, how fun.