Hyena Cafe There last night stand up was mint! i was doubled up with laughin. Good Bday night out for Sarah! :bonkers:
It was class! The last comedian with the big nose was so funny!! I didnt stop laughing :laugh: Could do with padded chairs tho My bum was killing.
It was a totally mint night, though feeling canny rough now after about an hours sleep lol. All 3 comedians were quality, the first one ripped some of the crowd to pieces and the second one was funny as fuck. Nice to see we were all sober in the club downstairs as well like :spangled:
Yup, deffinatley good script but it always is in there, You always have good crack in there when a good squads out!!!!!!!!:drunk: Fair play to kay for downing a bottle of horrible white wine that missy could'nt hack in about 30 seconds and she dos'nt even like the stuff :worship: :drunk: And the who was the most drunkest award go's to missy for sure, girl u were trashed lol :drunk: well done though U lasted longer than most of us
haha i was paying for it all yesterday after got in, was so ill all day. my mam was bringing me drinks and fruit up to make me feel better
about ginger ppl, not direct at me! funny as fuck still tho! i'd never heard those ginger jokes tho, at least he was original
I keep thinking about the bit when one of them said that some bird had enuf make up on that Predator wouldnt be able to see her
lucky for him he wasn't talking about me then or else i would have no choice other to open a can of WHOOP ASS!! ....and for the record i don't have a ginger mohawk.....i have a sunset spike