Re: i ate cheese last night to test the nightmare theory bellend cheese doesn't work its normal cheese you need to eat.
Re: i ate cheese last night to test the nightmare theory bananas give me nightmares when i eat them before bed............
Re: i ate cheese last night to test the nightmare theory old wifes tales huh old wives are full of shit my gran used to tell me loads and she believed all of them if you had a wart you had to rub a two pence peice on it and bury it in the garden :spangled:
Re: i ate cheese last night to test the nightmare theory 0-20g dream state 20-40g hallucogenic state 40-60g nightmares apparent 60g+ alien abduction cheddars meant to be best
Re: Re: Re: i ate cheese last night to test the nightmare theory yeah its those black bits at the bottom that gets me.... what are they and what do they do?
Re: Re: Re: Re: i ate cheese last night to test the nightmare theory there are winits from the mans arse you pull the banana out of. 'Its Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S'
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: i ate cheese last night to test the nightmare theory lol.......................but really any idea what they are?
what alot of bollocks, eat cheese and it gives u nightmares!! havent heard so much crap in all my life. walk down the bigg market on a friday night, thats a nightmare