I can see!!! Had my operation yesterday was shitting it to be honest, i t didnt help when as i was lying down they were talking about how some of the instrumetns were;nt working Anyway it didn't hurt one bit which I was expecting a bit of. It was a bit wierd and you have to ttoatally concentrate on a dot which i kept thinking please dont move or youre gunna be fucked I came out of the op and it was so amazing I could read a sign on the opposite end of the room which I wouldnt have probably been able to see at all before hand Got home and was fine jsut lay in bed and then it got a bit worse I jsut couldn't keep my eyes open at all and in the end I jsut couldn't open them at all no matter how hard I tried. It made me apreciuate what your site is worth as I couldn't do anything, I had to walk with my hand on the wall and one in front to go to the toilet and my eyes were constantly streaming. The worst thing was I had abolutely no concept of time as I couldn't see a watch or anything which sounds strange but it makes it really wierd. I also had to have a sedative to get me to fall asleep cos i don't think I wouldve went to sleep any other way. I've woken up today and can now open my eyes but my eyes are really puffy and they're only open halfway. I can tell that once I'm fully healed my site will be almost if not totally perfect but at the moment it's all blurry whihc I htink may have something to do with the lbandage lenses the put in for a couple of days. I havn't really had any pain like I was expecting just a bit of a headdache which they gave me tablets for, so it seems like it's gunna be mint Will keep updating
Yeah just the one I look like I've done a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson mind, my eyes are quite swollen and it's all blurry at the minute but I can still see and read things far away even now so I cant wait for it to have healed!!! The one thing that worried me was that he said I had scars on my eyes from wearing contacts whihch posed a little bit of a higher risk but because of the way they take off the top bit of your eye it shouldve removed them. I was expecting to be in loads of pain but it hasn't actually hurt at all its jsut been impossible to open my eyes and the best thing for them is to keep them closed it seems
i got it done at optimax on the corner of the Swan House roundabout. I honestly thought it would knack but it didn't at all, the actual surgery was a bit irritating but defo iddn't hurt and I jsut seemed to have a headache last night but I took 2 800mg of Ibuprofen which I got told today I was only supposed ot take 1 but I couldn't see to read the label and a sedative and was fine till I woke up and could open them again
Went for my first after care appointment today to have the bandage lenses removed and they did a quick eye test and I've got legal driving standard vision already and they're not even healed yet :groovy:
So how bad was your vision to start with then ??? Amean could you see more than a few yards infront of you or not even a couple of inches ??? Good youve done something about it like pleased it worked out .
My prescription wasn't too bad, -1.25 and -1.50 but it felt like I was blind as a abt, I couldn't make out people's features from theother side of the room and culdn't drive without glasses, even now there's a huge improvement, defo worth getting it done
im more blind than you - -2.00 -2.00 - mine is still getting shitter though, ill just have to sit tight. glad it went well chick, im well scared of a risk like that though as you said you really rely on your eyesight!