i fucking hate myself

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nass, Nov 7, 2005.

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  1. Nass

    Nass sound. Staff

    Oct 10, 2002
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    Limassol, Cyprus / Newcastle UK
    i fucking hate myself

    i'm in the middle of backing up all of my computer files as i'm going to re-install everything and start over, and after putting all of my pictures onto Rob's PC on the network I accidentally deleted that folder not realising I had already cut and pasted all of my photos onto his and the directory no longer existed on mine.

    is there any way to get this back? it's not in the recycling bin. i've heard when you delete something its not literally deleted just 'overwriteable' and invisible to windows..

    5 years worth of photos on there.. please someone help if at all possible - i'm totally gutted.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    Norton do a package called Unerase, it comes as part of Norton Utilities.

    I've got a copy if you want to borrow it and sort it all out.

    Failing that, this has the same undelete feature and comes in a trial version... Never tried it before but it seems alright.
  4. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    undelete programs are notoriously bad at finding things - especially in windows - it shifts the files to the recycle bin (not leaving them in the folder they were in) and the recycle bin is just a temp folder which changes often.

    Norton works best* if it's already installed

    * a relative term for norton

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