I love stupid jokes!

Discussion in 'Fun Stuff' started by Ayatollah Terry, Oct 6, 2005.

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  1. Ayatollah Terry

    Ayatollah Terry Registered User

    Apr 7, 2002
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    I love stupid jokes!

    A sailor and a priest were playing golf. The sailor took his first shot missed and said, "Fuck, I missed." Surprised, the priest replied, "Don’t use that kind of language or god will punish you." The sailor took aim and hit his shot second shot. Again he missed and under his breath the said, "I fuck’n missed again." The priest overheard and replied, "My son, please don’t use that language or god will punish you." The sailor took his third shot and once again he couldn’t help mutter, "Oh fuck…" The priest said, "That’s it god will certainly punish you." Suddenly a bolt of lightning came down and killed the priest. In the distance a deep voice said, "FUCK, I Missed".


    Q. What kind of meat does the pope eat?

    A. Nun.


    Doctor! I have a serious problem, I can never remember what i just said.
    When did you first notice this problem?
    What problem?


    What is green and smells?
    Hulk's fart.


    Why don't oysters give to charity?
    Because they're shellfish.


    What do you call a guy at your front door with no legs or arms?


    There was this Eskimo chick who spent the night with her boyfriend. Next morning she found out she was 6 months pregnant.

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