i love this Come here, me little Jacky, now aw've smoked mi backy, Have a bit o' cracky, till the boat comes in. Dance ti' th' daddy, sing ti' th' mammy, dance ti' th' daddy, my little man. You shall have a fishy on a little dishy, You shall have a fishy when the boat gets in. You shall have a mackerel on a little dishy, You shall have a mackerel when the boat gets in. Dance ti' th' daddy, my little laddie, dance ti' th' daddy, my little man. Dance ti' th' daddy, sing ti' thy mommy, dance ti' th' daddy, my little man. You shall have a fishy on a little dishy, You shall have a fishy when the boat gets in. You shall have a herring on a little dishy, You shall have a herring when the boat gets in. Come here, me little Jacky, now aw've smoked mi backy, Have a bit o' cracky, till the boat comes in Dance ti' th' daddy, sing ti' th' mammy, dance ti' th' daddy, my little man. You shall have a fishy on a little dishy, You shall have a fishy when the boat gets in. You shall have a mackerel on a little dishy, You shall have a mackerel when the boat gets in.