I need to fine something... Does anyone know where i can find that thread- its been put up 2 times i think- and you click this URL and this box pops up with a smily face in it saying something like idiot and the box moves round the screen??? Can anyone help
yup i need something that will get someone into shit- cos i doubt that he/she knows how to get rid of it
Well i dont know yet- a couple of my mates sit in their IT lesson sending me grief And they have IT tomorrow...
Yea..but you need headphones which wont be acessable cos they are suppost to be doing their coursework and will get knackered for using the net anyways People in my IT class have been thrown off the course for going in the net during lessons
Nah they wont get asked who they got the URL from- they could have got it form anywhere- not necessearily sent from one of the pupils