I Won !1 <brag> At the British U21 Powerlifting Championships in Birmingham this Sunday, against fierce competiton ( a fat bastard fron Hull ), I placed 1st, so I'm Superheavyweight champ for the third year running Squat: 235 KG / 517 lbs Benchpress: 165 KG / 363 lbs (could have been 180, easy) Deadlift: 220 KG / 484 lbs . At a bodyweight of 143.5 kg / 22 stone 7. Divisional records all round. </brag> Do apologise for the self adulation, but I feel so happy right now *simper*
Well done, good achievement... though I think they should make the power lifters do a lap of the track before lifts, that would be a laugh
I ate a 64 oz steak at Boss Hogs that night to start with :spangled: it was literally 3-4 inches thick and covered a large platter. Get it free if you eat it all, 20 quid otherwise. I finished the meat but there was 16 ounces of pure fat that I couldn't bring myself to stomach Class place, suggest anyone in Birmingham check it out like. I have 2 weeks off training, so I can go to Quality this week and the GG Techno special the week after and get pissed thats my celebration
Actually I do Russian Pyramid Plan, only for the dedicated and the psychotic Two broken backs and one blown leg at my gym so far, no fear >=)
Fairplay. But I was thinking more along the lines of Dr Ekkart Arbeit methods & maybe your ear problem was a side effect of this.
Nope, as I said, I follow a Russian routine for temporal progression of loads, but for technique and non strength based muscular development, I follow Western theories and practises. I do engage in Plyometric swing training along former soviet lines as well though. The trainig I do is all set out by my trainer, who follows the above beleifs and applies them pragmatically, along with his own mental prep aoroach; he has produced 3 world champions, and the strongest lifter in british Powelifting history. And me Seems to work. If you're interested, check out Gateshead stadium 5-7 weekdays, you'll find us there.
I work round the corner from the Stadium, is the gym opent to the public? What times is it open & what are the costs?
Yeah, it's open to the public. You need to go in and book an induction, then it's 1 pound per session if you're an Elite level athelete or student, and 2 if you aren't. Not sure about times, but before 12 and after 9 every week day.
I aint even an athlete never mind Elite athlete. It may be cheaper going there rather than joining Brambles on the Quayside Cheers for the info
NPs, the gym room isn't that big, but the equipment is precisely what is necessary, you got an international standard track to run on, and most importantly, the experience of the people in there you can speak to for advice is unbeatable. Jonathan Edwards is a regular, I used to get a lift to the stadium from his coach, who is a powerlifter I know well, etc. All the solid backup ( professional masseurs, physio, etc) is on hand as well. If you're looking for somewhere to pose in yer cycle shorts, look elsewhere, but if its proper training you're after ( not necessarily elite level or particularly hardcore, just not ------ about, using the bars as lightsabers, etc) then it's spot on IMO.
It might have sounded like some kind of boring dojo or something above in my post - it isnt, we always have a laugh etc This is starting to sound like a plug isn't it ill shut up now before I get moderated