Ibiza 2006 alreet everyone im going over to ibiza for the summer, did anyone do this last year and has some info on where to find jobs accom etc.?? let me knw cheers
my knowledge is minimal but ive heard u need to get there in april or summin to get ur name in for jobs
Bet you aren't going thats why you are moaning ...This is the month where most people in the UK book their holidays!
I've jsut bene looking in the travel agents, there's some really good deals out there at the minute, would love to book up straight away again but got noone to go with
obviously its differant for a guy to a girl but if i get arsed about im going solo fuck i t,this country gets on my nerves
i would go somewhere on my own but i ge tsick of my own company after a while & like to have someone to share things with... specially if you're somewhere getting cultured...it's just not the same looking at photo's as being there
i did that last year, well i met a mate in Barcelona but i went on my own and was on my own whilst she was at work most of the day and night. not sure i'd be wanting to do it again too soon. my parents are looking to buy a villa in Majorca though at the end of this month so I may jsut go out there for a few wees, I love Majorca
i get bored with my own company aswell but id rather get bored of it in a warmer climate surrounded with birds booze and more birds than being stuck here up this sodden rain cloud. just dont take pictures then
this is true...i could take several books with me & b very happy...altho i'd have to find someone to talk at or i'd just talk to myself you can't not take pictures :tut: got to have permenant memories for when they fade in your head
suppose unless your like me where you just lose everything, i went to nec a few year back and took 3 spools worth of photos and i think when my mum got the out klick i think 12 turned out still a pound a photo aint bad. ps you going to tells us the answer to ur footie question
i dont want to go, tbh i would rather spend 2000 on records than go to ibiza lol and i wouldn't book anything now, for the simple fact i wouldn't know who is playing till closer to the time
ur best bet is to book a cheap holiday for a wk or two so u have accommodation to start with, then once u are there the ship at the top of the westend in san at the square advertises dif appartments that are available. Peronsally think the best time to head out there is the start of june as thats when most of the clubs etc are starting to open you need to get ur spanish ni number at the police station in ibzia town before anyone will employ you though and u tend to have to queue pretty early in the morning to get it as they only give so many out a day. anyway if u wanna know anymore let me know as a lot of my mates have been out the past 3 yrs and will be heading out again this summer
fingers crossed yeah most of my mates and my bf are heading over for the summer so wanna head out to see them for a bit u headin out??
are loads leaving ya and goin over for the summer? goin over at somepoint, not sure when or for how long yet :groovy:
pretty much lol there's about 12 folk or something goin over this summer most of whom have booked their flights already there's me and 4 others thinking of bookin up to go over im just now sure when im wanting to head out this time tho