jeeez, is google hard to work or summat?
awww saw the ice rink for the 1st time, this morn, made it feel like crimbo! i really wanna go, any offers! x
Christmas Ice Magic at Gateshead Quays, Baltic Square. November 26-January 9, 2005. 10.30am - 8.30pm daily (except Christmas Day) Adults £5, children £4, students £3 (before 5.30 pm weekdays) Group bookings: (0191) 222 0440 --------------- For further information on Skating@ Life, call the Life Science Centre's information line on (0191) 243 8210 or visit www.lifesciencecentre The Ice Rink will be open every day with the exception of Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day. Admission Prices: Skating only: Adult: £4.95, Child: £3.75, Concession: £4.50, Under 4s: £3.75, Family: £14.95. Opening Times: Ice Rink: Mon-Sat: 10am-8pm*, Sun:11am-8pm*, *Last skate 7pm
all the more reason for people to go with you than jon!!! Christmas Ice Magic at Gateshead Quays, Baltic Square. November 26-January 9, 2005. 10.30am - 8.30pm daily (except Christmas Day) Adults £5, children £4, students £3 (before 5.30 pm weekdays) Group bookings: (0191) 222 0440 Water frozen above the pipes stays constant even if the outside temperature improves, as the system can be set to -14 degrees. The ice will not melt as the pipes below the rink have a constant flow of glycol (anti-freeze) pumping through at -9 degrees. It takes 75,000 gallons of water to make the ice rink at Gateshead Quays. That is the equivalent of 4 million ice cubes
right, i never slate students or have a go at them, but how is it justified that they have cheaper fees than children? that in my opinion is a fucking joke :evil:
Because parents pay for thier children, students pay for themsleves. Because it is ice-skating, this is an activity that many more children will take part in. If they make the prices higher for the people who will use the ice rink the most (ie the children) then they will make a greater profit. This pays for the keeping and running of the ice rink, which in turn allows everyone who goes, to either watch or skate to enjoy the skating, and lines the pocket of the council/initiative which runs it. If students pay for themselves, the prices cant be so high that it puts them off skiing, and so the price remains low on thiers. Students as im sure you well know have less disposable income than many other social groups such as the over 25's say, which makes it justified that students should get a discount. As im sure you are also aware, students do not usually decide where and when they get a discount, this is up to the people who run the event/promotion.
the other week Si was desperate for us to go skating at the life centre one. told him he should have gone with kid...he wanted to go last year aswell. i dont do iceskating for the same reason i dont do bikes and rollerskates and excessive walking...absolutly no sense of balance. does look pretty tho
Re: ice skating in town.. i think ****** is looking to go down there and combine it with horse rideing