Id Just wondering what forms of ID promise accept? One of my mates who is just turned 18 is heading down in a few wks time and some clubs up here dont accept student cards and prove it cards they only accept driving licences and passports is it the same at promise?
I have to take ID out now and im 22 I havent been asked but its just in case - i remember when i used to take me passport everywhere and it got that fucked it was hardlys useable I applied for one of them official ID cards then left it at a party one night :spangled: - luckily for me i got a new colour on delivered so its alreet now like
hehe only ever used id once in my life, in a local pub when i was 14, my fault for looking like a right old bugger
dont know if they do them anymore. you had to bring along either ur birth certificate or drivers licence, 2 passport fotos, and £5, go to the sweet shop, give em ur details etc, and that was it