Identity Fraud Just been on the news how some big boss at Skipton Building Society got his identity stolen Just shows it can happen to anyone, even the people who know how to work the systems etc. I check my bank account online every day to make sure there's no strange items going out of my bank, but I know loads of people like my parents hardly even check theirs and would be easy to get stuff off. Do you think there is any way that could solve this problem or is it just something we have to be aware of and a bit more careful of? Discuss
But it's not like people shout about their details n stuff, there's loadsa really deceptive ways to get hold of details
Experian will monitor your credit rating and alert you (by email) if it changes at all. Costs a few quid a month tho.
Thats bollocks. It may help but I wouldn't say it was easy. My Dad is annoyingly wary about this sort of thing but it happened to him.
How can you keep everything secret? You use the information on a daily basis. It could happen to anyone. Its impossible to be 100% safe.