mates 21st he got KO'd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,from BAMBU but it did shag the whole nite up,,they are tits like
The bambu bouncers are among the cannier ones from my experience like, if ur wrecked u dont get in though, or if ur wearing a stripy jumper!! Having said that theres always gona be a time when they "dont like the look of you" and so arn't getting in.
Bambu is owned by ultimate leisure and most of their bouncers (expet one Bernard) are mean pieces of work. I've seen some nasty shit to be honest.
some of the doorman at Bambu are spot on! but at the end of the day if they dont like the look at you, they can pick and choose!
They are arseholes at bambu I think totally! They never ever let my brother in there or anything because he has a shaved head?
i think digital has the soundest bouncers ever i remember when prydz & angello were on, i have a plain black lacoste jumper on, they could have been dickheads but they let me in as long as i put it in the cloakroom......... no problemo.
digital bouncers are spot on,,, tbh ive never witnessed any violence in digital same went with foundation, it was always sweet as. But im always hearing about trouble in bambu, maybe thats why they are pricks and lets be honest they are.
Two posts in quick concession praising the digital bouncers. The digital bouncers are the old foundation bouncers and ergo fucking wankers. I hate them.
at an afters this one time I was telling this lass what a complete cunt I thougt craig was. Asked her if she knew him.... yeah she said, he's my boyfriend :doh:
had endless problems with tiger tiger bouncers to the point i am "no longer welcome" there at all.... tossers so when all me mates go there, i just dissappear with a couple others down to the dig where ive never had a problem.
There just doing there job though. They keep it pretty sound inside the club. They might get it wrong sometimes, and make mistakes, but I'd say overall there pretty good doormen
I never see them sorting any trouble out in there anyway (because there isn't a lot of it). From my experience with them though I've came to that conclusion. Stealing £20 off me Kicking me out Staring me out Giving countless others off the board hassle Giving random clubbers hassle Stealing my poppers Mainly cunts.
They must have a room full of my poppers tbf But the reason there isn't a lot of trouble in there is because of them being on the door surely?
Yeah but there is bound to be less trouble at Shindig/Wax On than say the bigg market anyway. Maybe they do a good job of keeping the pikeys out (to a certain degree) but the way that they've treat regulars in the past was absolutely shit if you ask me.