Igor S I desperately need the tracklist for Igor S @ Qontrol !! I know nobody will have it either or be able to find it, im looking!! 33 mins in
Whatever it is its brilliant and I love it! I could try downloading that? Doubt I will even find it anyways though!! Chris 2 mins I will find it for you!
http://www.track.republika.pl/files/download.html Its in the 3rd group of yellow writing down near Yoji..doesnt take long at all! I just realised I clicked on an electro link and im listening to a remix of the beverly hills cops theme tune :spangled: U know when you just dont pay attention.. *turns off *
Ooh yes! It must be cos I know that Ricky Forbis is two tunes before this one...well Im in love with Spy - Trouble (Igor S Remix) Thank you 2
Actually...the set starts with airforce one Then he plays the other mix of it later... ohh noo im confused!
He plays Boomerang towards the end of the set im pretty sure. Aslo i thought i heard Ricky Fobis - No Regular in that set 2 Hes defo sum1 i wana c in Britian at sum point sounds like his sets have so much energy.
Get in!! Been looking for a Igor S set since i got back from Trance Energy Hes was on last in the In Charge arean after Marco V. He was un real!! Downloading now
Its very good A few dodgy mixes but hey...the tune selection makes up for it A lot of boomerangy/no regular stuff...just my kind of thing
My lovely mother has just asked "Dan, whats that your listening too" (she normally say turn that noise off NOW) I said "Its a DJ called Igor S, its like techony stuff" She replied "Hmmm thats actually not that bad" Get in there margaret, go on love.................GO ON!
My Pops has picked me up from work before listening to The Scott Bond AHEAD CD I just need to work on the neigbours now, there always complaining