images of kids > tom! i need images of active kids that are royalty free (cant use getty/etc) and all the images on early learning are shit... (its for work i promise! ) any ideas? ta!
idea: had images of kids all sorted... but the companies an un-organised bunch of twats who expect me to re-do all the logo imagery in a night... cocks.... doesnt help ive been on stella al-twat-ya all afternoon either plus - cameras outside school - risky business.. ask geordielee and co. :laugh:
how about ur fucking uncle just buys the fucking picture? or how about he buys u a fucking camera and u take them urself? you shouldnt use pictures just cos theyre easile accessible...decide what u want photos of and take them.
has to be done by tonight.. well sick of design... top marks to fizz for stickin at it.. im done with it i rekcon!
its for the corporate identity of a nursery in milton keynes... and it was supposed to be finished by april.. but the fucking company dragged it through my final uni project and its slowly but surely eating away at my will to live!!
thank god! thought they were for other reasons lol wots ur name? this is me g/fs promise thingy,i go to promise but dont know that ,many people on ere. I go thru with mick n ash n that. my names peter
i like doing branding... but am sick to fuck of clients with no clue. update : ive dun half a logo and ive been on 2 hrs.. ffs. :evil:
i guess that cud b annoying Martin : are you wanting nething specific or nehting not doing? Client : No, i jsut want a logo, nething will suffice (128 hrs later) Martin : There u go Client : Nah...i want it like this...(sum shitty word art crap) Martin : (threw gritted teeth) o...k.... (79 hrs later) Martin : Hows this? Client : i think i cud do a better logo Martin : So do it then Client : no...ur the designer...just use my crap ideas and dont use ne creativity. Martin : (silence as he swings from the light fitting)
i went to his final year show.. i reckon the kids he needs to take photos of could do have done a better job
Mate, my missus works for a design company in the toon that do work for things like Shrek, Nemo and then brand work like Boss, Persil, Cadburys etc... they do all that photoshopping shit you get up to. Could get yer CV put in if yer intersted.
fact!!! final project = something to fill 5 mths craig - al sort my cv and pass it on next week or sumthing