In Laws Anyone ever had a problem with theres? Mainly there sister in laws - mines a right twat getting herself up the duff as she got jealous of me and her brother, sitting on me after I had my C Sec, Hacking my partners facebook last year and posting shit, now shes attempting to push my little one, she lives with her parents and is expecting them to pay for her kid, her ex jumped ship and has had the police three times on her already just a few things to mention
That makes every disagreement i've ever had with anyone look completely meaningless. Theres an easy solution to all these problems .... leave the village/town/county/country/continent and start again. Out of sight, out of mind.
It looks like my only option will be moving back to Newcastle if she continues, dreading his Christening as I know she is going to spoil it, had my friends visit from newcastle few weeks back and she kept crying in front of them and also when our friends came to see my little boy she completely turned it around so everyone was talking about her VENTMYSPLEEN.COM
Easier said than done shes already booked into a hotel up north and her parents are bringing her If she starts I wont be going back to Lincoln il be staying up in Newcastle Just wonder why some people have to be like this
And your saying she got PREGNANT cause she was jealous of YOU !?!?!? This is hardly a pair of Nike Air Max trainers we are talking about. Either you or her is completely mental!
Does her boyfriend know that she used his seed in a nefarious scheme to get one over on you? .... You could always complete the circle of evil by letting him know she forced herself on top of his errect penis NOT for love, but for revenge upon you!!!!!!!! Brings a new meaning to the phrase 'one upmanship' ! ... It begs the question - why would you be bothered if she was 'with child' though. Surely you should be happy that your all building up a lovely big family together AS ONE though? Also .... It means you can swap sitters meaning you can all go out without needing to worry about kids. There are practicalities here you can CAPITALISE on!
im just not used to it, were trying to get on with things its just hard when shes like this Maybe I need to have it out with her again and see how things go Wish me luck
J, as your newest and closest friend i implore you not to do this. I dunno why anyone 'has it out' with anyone anyways. Whats the other person gonna do any way? Turn around and say "Yes XXXX you were completely right and from now on in im going to see the error of my ways and move on' .... if someone bothers you, remove them from your life ...... EASY PEASY. No need for an argument. A wise man once said "Do not believe them, do not fear them, do not ask anything of them." Take these words with you Neo, and step beyond the Matrix.
Ignore the cretin and itl go away she'd probably sit on me again if I did have it out with her She'l be the one who will look daft
Sit on you?!?!? This sounds like something out of Lord of the rings, or some kind of videogame special attack!!!!!!! You could have her done for assault if she has you pinned and squats on you again. I'd argue for some kind of compensation if she has eaten anything spicy or gassy before hand. This brings back some funny childhood memories.
Yeah I stayed at her mums the week after my C Sec and she sat on me, didnt use the other couch but the one I was laid down on - just what you need when youve been sliced n diced is size 22 chubb sat on ya
So a girl walked over and sat on you? Bloody hell have you considered selling your story to the red tops? How old is she? And why the fuck did she say she did that?
shes almost 30 and i dont know why she did it even made me move my shoes as she nearly tripped over them even though hers were in the passageway unsure why shes got it in for me
When a 30 year old woman tries to sit on a woman who's just had a baby and a C section ....... its time to GET THE FUCK OUTTA DODGE!!!!!!!!!!! I have a suitcase if you want to borrow it.
52 inch ... fuck me. I've only got a 32 inch one and i get whinged at for the size of it (The TV). Sometimes you have to leave these things behind if you want a clean break. In the grand scheme of things its for the best.
I think thats small class watching the footie on it no wonder ours is always packed on football day Reckon my Dad will come get it for me