Ipod advice OK, I'm gonna get me one in the next few weeks so: Which is the best to get(battery life)? Where do I get it for a good price with warrentry etc? Are they easy to use? Any help would be good
I love my Ipod. The mini ones are cools as fuck, I think if I was buying one now I'd defo go for one of those. Only 4gig which isn't a lot in comparison to the others but to put things into perspective I only use about 5gig of my 10gig Ipod at the minute and I've got far too much on there!
i've got about 3 days of music (1200+ tracks) on my mini, so any1 who says that isn't enough i stupid! altho the normal ipods have jus got new battery's wi longer life... but 8+ hours is enough for me...