Iq whats your iq? Who is the brightest person on the board? Eveyone tell the truth!!!! I got 117! Dunno whether this is good:spangled:
I'm sure u mean soccer. I know a little. I'm off now anyway. Tally Hooooooooo! Vote HardHouse:groovy:
I got 96. Im thick! Well below average anyway. It must be wrong. I have a dergree! :evil: I estimated 115, cos i thought if Fitzy can get 115 so can i. Obviously not! And it even had the cheek to say i drank too much alcolhol. :evil:
I got 115, estimated 110 so didnt think I did that bad. Had a bit of a hangover when I did it lthough (excuses, excuses )
I didnt mean it like that mate! I meant i thought id get about the same cos u seem quite bright, and i thought i was, but im obviously not!
It's like computer games innit... best example I can think of was the american version of tomb raider (the first one). Anyone who's played it (either on console or computer) will admit that it is pretty challenging. The US version is less difficult, missing puzzles and some of the monsters/enemies of the UK version. And apparently the game environment has been changed to make it harder to kill the lead character. and as for IQ and common sense going hand in hand, I know a lass who has 2 As and a B at A-level... and has no common sense whatsoever. In her own words: "Its not that I'm thick, its just that I'm dim!" enough said
If you take a lot of different iq tests you'll find that you prob come out with quite a close range of results. So if you got 135 on the bbc prog, you may get 133 on another. Doesn't matter bout the test having different questions. You should average about the same everytime you take a test. I got 132 on the bbc test the nation then 131 yesterday doing another test.