Is Cheesy "Anthem trance" making a comeback? Seems to be alot more 1999-2000 style "hands in the air" type stuff doing the rounds at the moment.... or at least thats what it feels like IMHO. Is the old fromage making its 2 year comeback after the whole millenium period "peak" of 4-5 years ago.... ????
Well a lot has come back such as System F - Out Of The Blue. Which Voltswagen brought back and they renamed it Pacific Ocean Push - Strange World. Jay Walker aka Digital Pressure along beside Marcos brought this back which was a harder version Ralph Fridge Angel & Veracocha - Carte Blanche. This was also brought back by United Nations. Bedrock - Heaven Scent. Again a Jay Walker production under the name of Opal Fruits So a lot of old trance is coming back
Your right in a way Brid, there is alot of trance coming out with the older sound from 99-00, theres also some very original new stuff coming out aswell tho. Some of the unsigned stuff around at the moment is the bollox aswell!
go to a 'normals' clubs and it's on all the time. "let me show u the way..." then u see those cds advertised on tv "club anthems 2004" and they're all cheesy euro-trance vocally shite that you've never heard of b4 or gets played at under 16's discos at the local youth centres on a friday night. it never went away my friend... it's the kind of stuff your gran hears and says "ooo this is the type of music u like isn't it?" and you reply "is it fook, gran"