It's that fucking brain-dead Moi who posts nothing but shit, and doesn't even have the decency to realise when you're ripping the piss out of her.
its moi she justs posts endless amounts of complete pish ,trancedj had a wee spell today where he posted about 7 threads all spelled incorrectly in the space of 10mins theres starting stuff which is deent and worth replying to and then there's staring random bollocks like "shell suits " and phobias
I'd love to know why 'shell suits' and 'phobias' are bollocks? It's something we can all relate to and is better crack than 'what did you have for breakfast' or 'good morning' threads imo.
To be honest why doesnt everyone just lighten up? I dont see many of the people who commented in this thread making any 'mint' threads themselves?