Is your name Dave? I was in blu bambu last nite rolleyes: ), but my mate gave a VIP pass so I got to chill upstairs....which was pretty cool! Anyway, I often ask people if they are called Dave...dunno why, just do Last nite tho.....I went up to a bloke and goes "Is your name Dave?" he looked at me and goes "Aye, how did you know".... ...I started laughing, and he goes "Are you Jonnys mate or something?" and I was like..."whos Johnny"....he goes... "Johnny Regan" <blank look from me>"As in Johnny from big brother" "Aye" and lo and behold he was sitting right behind me Sound bloke Finally, my years of searching for Dave's has had some kind of payout
Re: Is your name Dave? My flat mate in Ibiza lastyear had a white t-shirt with DAVE written on it always made me laugh, he was called Nick though
LOL classic I should have been there, why didnt u invite me u motherfucker, was in the house bored all night wd chris