well whilst your on it have a word with the jewish guy and the useless mod and the blagging admin rob just take the board back to you ruling it man, you may as well youve got a puppet council to sit on the fence and take the flack that you and jess once used to get so mission accomplished if you aint bothered much about your board why post you set your rules then break them yourself
appreciating the reply rob Re: the word spastic What moment of stupidity made you think I care? Stop stalking me, you use my name more than my Mum does. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DetoxOverboard wrote on 05-02-07 04:36 PM: ok, if you guys are going to try and ban me then I would like it noted that I find it deeply offensive that scruf / tom is suing the word spastic ina derogatory way in the detox thread i am reporting this to the mods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________ www.digg.com/users/robmarcer/videos/dugg
You'll probably struggle with this, but it's worth a try.. spas·tic /ˈspæstɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[spas-tik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation Pathology –adjective 1. pertaining to, of the nature of, or characterized by spasm, esp. tonic spasm. –noun 2. a person exhibiting such spasms.
the only thing i gave a damn about was running competitions seriously theres not one redemming thing of interest about the council its a popularity contest and rob messed with the voting process so much it was obvious who was going to get on i predicted the 3 who would win it aint rocket science you only had to have 5 or so people all voting the same way and youd end up with bob, lee and merlin