it consultancy/work - need some advice

Discussion in 'Technology' started by trance_fan, Feb 14, 2006.

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  1. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    it consultancy/work - need some advice

    ive done plenty work for my mams mates in the past sorting the PCs etc and they slip me a £20 or whaterver which is fine.

    But one of her friends has told another friend who runs a business.

    Ive already been in and had a chat about what is wanted...

    There are 3 PCs, he wants on each:

    full anti virus/anti spyware/firewalls set up.
    Scans done to remove anything
    new windows updates applied and set to automatic for future updates
    stuff like that - general health check/security check

    network secured (wired and wireless tests)

    ive already spent about 2 hours there, had a chat, and regained administrative control for him as a guy who worked there left and refused to give him the passwords!

    Ive also helped him find where the company site is hosted and recover the passwords, as the guy who left wouldnt tell him those either.

    Some of you will have experience in actually doing this for a business...

    I dont want to undercharge but then again i dont want to ask too much! The likes of PC world business would be charging like at least £50 an hour probably more!

    He wants me to go back and spend a saturday afternoon there to do the remaining stuff.

    I told him i would have a think and let him know a rough price....does £150 seem fair? Or should I be asking for more?
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. fiddla

    fiddla Retired

    Mar 9, 2003
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    Reclined with my feet up !
    When i used to work part time for the company that im now full time at i used to charge them £100 a day !!

    Was more as an when needed , like if they needed a load of gear installed or software put on all there pc's etc !!

    I classed it as £25 call out and £75 for a days work ( 9.30 till 4pm ) :D
  4. Rob

    Rob Registered User

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Sancho Panza
    £25 per hour I think.
  5. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    yeah £25 an hour is good. HOWEVER make sure any software you install is LEGIT and the licences cover what you install. Make them buy what u need. FREE anti virus won't be licenced for business use
  6. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    Depends on the software but yeah I will check that - the likes of MS Anti Spyware is totally free and they have already bought Norton just have not installed it lol

    i was plagued with pop ups and crap last night so there must be a hell of a lot on there.

    £25 an hour it is then!

    Cheers chaps.
  7. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    beware though - now they've given you money - THEY OWN YOU, you'll be FOREVER hassled with "we've now got this problem, totally unrelated, but it's all your fault and we expect you to come back and fix it"


    "i've installed this software and now my computer won't work. it was working before you came and touched my PC"

    day or night - they'll expect to ring you with every little thing ... FFOOORREEVVEEERRRRRR

    Get them to sign a waiver when you've finished, make sure they're totally happy with the system and how it works and sign something to that affect- atleast then you have some protection. an invoice of what you've done to prove your work at a later date - hence using COMPLETELY LEGAL SOFTWARE. otherwise...............
  8. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    You shouldn't be allowed to charge unless you can do it properly.

    So who u gonna get to do it Chris? :laugh: :screw:
  9. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    yeah I had thought that - but more work = more money.....well, often the case anyway.

    Luckily its like a family friends friend so i should be spared such "youve broke my system" type comments!

    Software will all be above board :up:

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