'Its Brill Up North' Howdo! Reet, I'm hoping that there's an offchance that some of you might be able to tell me the origins of a record I've got. The record is 'Its Brill Up North' by G-Force (at least on my white label). Its a rip-off of the Justified Ancients Of Mu Mu's 'Its Grim Up North', but replacing all the town names with villages and that from the North East. I got it from Volume Records in Sunderland in 1991 (ish?), and I haven't a clue who did the track, nor the cheesy piano house tune 'I Can't Stand It' on the flip. Googling it, it appears that the only other person with a copy is DJ Smurf! So, anybody know about this track at all? Anyone?
It was made by a fella called "Blaster Bill" who used to work in Trax Records on High Bridge Street. Last I heard he was an air traffic controller !
Bill goes to work with his ipod... Feels the moment... Hands in the air.. Where the fuck is that aeroplane going!?
Ah, cheers for the info Messrs Smurf und Daly, always wanted to know who was behind it. Aye, jesus, that vocal is dreadful. Hardly Minnie Riperton like.
I've got an mp3 of it somewhere in the house, so I'll megaupload the sucker when I get back from graft. I wouldn't get too excited like, its canny shit. . .
dont care how shit it is, i'm just expecting a complete howl anyways!! pmsl @ canny giving it credit!
Forgot to upload this like: [ame="http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ANAE190X"]MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service@@AMEPARAM@@Filename:</font> <font style="font-family:arial; color:#FF6700; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold;">It&@@AMEPARAM@@It&[/ame] Don't get too excited or owt. Its dogshit.