Itunes and Kraptime Can anyone point me in the direction of some alternative software, that they use?? I have heard of YamiPod, but some say it uses even more resources than Itunes, Anapod, dbpoweramp, ephpod, xplay and sharepod. Does anyone have experience with them?? I am really really against putting Itunes on my laptop. I HATE the way it changes everything, associates itself with all my files (which I know I can customise once it has happened but I dislike the fact it didnt even ask), the way you are made to use quicktime - which associates itself with more, drops icons on my lovely clean desktop, I just FUCKING HATE IT lol and its not me being a fuddy-duddy, If I had BOUGHT an Ipod I would be sorely disappointed like, it has complete un-customisability. Its why I bought a Phillips DDM in the first place. Now Ness has an Ipod though, I need this sorted, any help would be appreciated.
I'm leaning towards Sharepod at the moment like, sounds the easiest, but does it cause any instability or any problems??
I loaded up the latest version of ITunes last night and it always asks before hand if you want to associate it to your music files???
hmmmm, I didn't spot that like, still, im not using it, its an absolute resource hogger, esp on my ye olde computer, with only 256mb of ram this is why im putting it on my laptop, and I know its a bit pedantic, but I want MY laptop to run the way I WANT it to. NOT how Apple decides it wants to.
Hmmm, aye, it's a savage like with the resource. I've got a decent machine but whilst it was changing up the Pop last night it had 'impacted performance'. Anyhow, it's a small price to pay to be able to listern to the wonders of Radiohead. Although...I never used to like Itunes, but the latest version is alright, better then the past versions, and erm...looks nice
Radiohead rock I didn't like Itunes at first, didn't think it was user frendly at all, but, I have to say, that i've come around to the latest version, it's...not bad! Go on, install it, be a devil
i hate itunes with a passion its so crap i use winamp to stick stuff on my shuffle pretty simple and some nice plugins for it. you can get some decent looking skins for it too Winamp
yay thanks, I have done the same and all is working fine after using this helpful page here mint. :groovy:
you can just re associate the files back to the other programs anyway, by going right click open with, then click the tick box that says open with this program all the time, then choose the program
Yeah but fuckin hell, what a slog on - why should a program I choose to install on my computer do something which I dont want it too? And MoS, when I run the little turd it runs my CPU at 100% constantly and I can't do ANYTHING else, then the computer crashes. I know I need more RAM and my computer is old, but when there are a multitude of other things available tyo do the same job which dont have the same effect, I am inclined to go with it. Winamp and the plugin have been installed, all up running, working fine wooh yay