iv passed 3rd time lucky iv just had my theory test today i was really nervous cos failed it twice before, its much easier practicing on that revision disc, only got one wrong time to book some driving lessons now OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was the hazard bit i failed on before, got 57 this time. that disc is a big help wish id had it the first time, i would recommend it to anyone.
My favourite subject talking about how I did in my driving. :tounge: I got 35/35 first time around in theory test and passed driving test first time with only 1 minor! :clap: My how I've not shut up since! Like now for instance! :lecture: And just to really annoy the girls in my family and rub it in a bit more, when my lass got me put on her insurance, she got a £110 refund! Result! :wiggle: I did find the Hazard perception test annoying though. It's easy to pass, but very difficult to get a top mark. Oh yeah, and well done! It is very hard these days. They must make so much money off people just by making the test that few minutes longer or adding those extra questions that you don't ever need to know the answer too.