Ive had the worst weekend this year... Everything was funky dory of Friday, went for a meal and everything seemed just right... Saturday, all day throwing up - my sister reackons i had food poisoning as i had prawns the night before...to top it off i felt i had the flu Sunday morning gets a call that my fella is in hospital after being jumped...and is still there now 'cos they cant stop the bleeding :cry2: Monday I went to a funeral And now ive just been told my cats dying :cry2: and there is nothing we can do about it except make him comfy... Anyone else wanna join me in this crying session?!
Re: Ive had the worst weekend this year... :hug: Aww Bless ya, that is really quite shit. Hope your boyfriend gets better soon and they catch the bastards that did it, And make sure you give your cat lots of loving Poor thing
Sorry to hear all this Cass I hope everything sorts itself out soon and there's good news on ya b/f, as mentioned lets hope they catch the arseholes that did it eh. On the cat front just make sure you n everyone else looks after it and give it plenty loving After all this am sure your due summit good/nice to happe
Suppose the good news of some is, they did catch who done it and on cctv - the police reckon he'll get some serious wonga from this guy! Never again will he try and be the good samaraton, trying to break up someone elses fight is bad news
Awwwww hope you feel better soon I have a cold too though, think it's doing the rounds again already, was only about a month ago since I had it last :cry2: I hate being poorly, always just need my bed and lots of TLC