I've won tickets for Global Gathering I won 2 lots of 2 tickets for Hifi, richie won a set at wickerman, and now i won 2 tickets for Global Gathering....with the possibilty of another competition for Global on Radio1 to meet Fatboy as i have been shortlisted, but i'm just gonna decline that if i get offered it cos these are guaranteed tickets. I won £55 for a scratch card, and £20 on the lotto in the last 2 weeks... It's been a good year, so far
Mine and Lee's luck has been passed onto you In 2003 we won about 8 tickets for Creamfields and came back richer than when we went!
Re: I've won tickets for Global Gathering Lucky you! I was dying to win tickets, it was basivclaly the only way I could have afforded to go!
I applied to almost every Hi:Fi competition I could find on google and didn't win any. Won one big weekender tickets on here last year after a lot of whinging though.
i wasnt that bothered about going before, its always been 1 of those festivals thats passed us by without thinking about it cos glasto had just passed....but if i can go for free i'll give it a bash and i'm excited to get away and spend some time messing about in the wild.
i've just put an order in for a brand new 30gig video ipod for £150 so if you can do better than that i'll consider it. lol not really
Re: I've won tickets for Global Gathering Havent met you before. Never spoke to you before but i hate you
Re: I've won tickets for Global Gathering You's are the luckiest fuckas i know!! Are you taking the campervan down to global??? If you are I mite hide in the boot.