Jade Goody What the fuck is her point? :evil: Annoying, ugly, loud & thick! I wish she'd fuck off! Rant over
She's a good reflection of society these days .... famous for being loud, ugly and thick - A good chav role model
I AGREE I HATE THE COW ASWELL! btu she is always in magazines telling her storey about how she went 2 the shops and saved 30p
i tell u who gets rite up my skirt THAT STUPID CHANTEL that blonde bird from big brother big bro shud make every1 sighn a contract b4 entering saying, i will not sell stupid storys 2 magazines or try and get on tv BECASUE IM NOT FAMOUSE
aye but at least you can imagine back scuttling her over the dining room table The only way i'd do miss goody is with a fucking baseball bat
my mam sed "i dunno why people call u crazy jimi they should call u DISTURBED JIMI you idiot, go upstairs and bring your dirty dishes down"
im going 2 goodgreef 2nite and drinking in bar m before hand! and ull see im a real living person this board makes me sound thick but im not
ha'way im sick of the constant jip i get on here u know! ive never been malace 2 any1 and all i do is get people giving me stick