James Zabiela b2b Greg Vickers b2b Nic Fanciulli fuckin amazing last night, absolutelely unreal probs never see this ever again! 6 CDJ1000's 4 1210 mk3s 2 DJM600's 1 X92 1 EFX1000 G4 powerbook not your average set up 2 world class dj 1 not so world class but all the same it was unreal, vickers just about kept up with fanciulli but everytime u thought fanciulli was rockin zabiela would just piss on every1 and scratch fuck out of it all next stop ben sims n chris finke
i was there too man, its was fucking quality. Sankey's is a class club. I wasnt expecting the whole b2b arrangement, but it worked.