You do it yourself mate in the user cp option at the top. Its in edit options/edit profile i cant remember
I would love to mate but I cant!!!! I think its cos I dont have enough posts or summit..I mentioned this before and jess said she would do it... ...still waiting
Look if you are going to post a thread about me in the main forum when we have a FAo forum you could at least praise me, worship me, tell every1 of your undying love for me. NEVER post this shit thread in the main forum again
If you change the caption then i will think about it... PPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSSEEEE! If u do this i will be very happy
ah ok..mabey i dont want to be spoon fed, im not pathetic and i will do it myself.. but it wouldnt let me do it the other day jess.. no need to get arsey about it...'gosh'
Everytime someone says something dickish they should get a strike and when you get to 3 you should get your user name changed to someone equally dickish