John Gibbons on Spin 103.8 - 21/10/04 (available online)

Discussion in 'Music' started by Club Educate, Oct 22, 2004.

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  1. Club Educate

    Club Educate

    Sep 25, 2004
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    John Gibbons on Spin 103.8 - 21/10/04 (available online)


    The Aural Assault Continues - Wet & Hard!

    live webcast every week @

    Don't forget to check out our forum -

    Radio Playlist for: Thursday 21/10/04

    Serotonin - Panic In The Disco (Vision Promo)
    Redlight - Thankful [Mike Monday Remix] (Release Grooves Promo)
    Tom Parris - Unknown (Oblong Promo)
    Difussion Breaks - Yeke Yeke (White)
    Savage Cabbage: Energy 52 - Café del Mar [Hybrid Remix] (Distinctive Breaks) Listeners Verdict: Savage!
    Plump DJ's - Soul Vibrates (Finger Lickin')

    Faithless - I Want More [Faith Not Fear Mix by Corvin Dalek] (Cheeky)
    Mal Black - Blind Vision (Duty Free)
    Wicked Wax Screamer: The 2 Kids - Drop Those Bombs (White)
    Karuma - On Y Va [Alex Flatner Mix] (Gekko)
    Mreux & Fabrice present The Sexxxy Room - Sexxxy Saxxxy [Crumpy Cyrcle Tek] (Mantra Vibes)

    Clubbers Poll: Do visuals make any difference to your enjoyment of a club night?

    Yes - definitely: 40%
    Sometimes: 39%
    No - never: 21%


    Double CD packs recorded from Summer of Love and Love Parade to...

    David Cloghessy, Co. Meath
    Sarah Finnegan, Co. Galway

    Many thanks to Abbey Discs, Revolution Records and PoD for support.

    Thanks for the continued feedback!
    KEEP TEXTING ON 085 711 1038 or mail to

    Live Playlist for week ending:[/b] Thursday 21/10/04

    Martin Parra - Ablor (Pendiente)
    DJ Klang - Quetzalcoatl (CD-R)Heaven Help - The Day The World Stopped Dancing (Unknown)
    Román Cabrera - Project 202 (Zulu Records)
    Lovebomb - Inferno (White)
    DJ Klang - Foo King Geil (Promo)
    JBJ - Kinky Toys (White)
    Janet Jackson - Don't Stop [SugarDip Mix] (Promo)
    Stef Baron - The Drum Project (Qe2 Recordings Promo)
    Corvin Dalek feat Fidelity Kastrow - I Like It 69 [DJ Klang Remix] (Promo)
    Serotonin - Panic In The Disco (Vision Promo)
    Plastic Surgery Project - El Underground (Arteria Mexico)
    Tom Parris - Oblong (White)
    Sam Dyke - Under Construction (Faster Recordings)
    Karuma - On Y Va [Alex Flatner Mix] (Gekko)
    Martin Lunar - A1 (White)

    Updated Love Parade and Summer of Love pictures can be found on
  2. 1615634792921.png

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