Judge Jules just looking at the line up for boxing day and noticed the judge was on and was wondering peoples views i think hes still a crowd pleaser but noticed on other websites he comes in for a lot of stick he seems popular at promise though
personally not a fan & wudn't pay to c him anywhere...altho i know a few who wud!!! i had to walk out on his set at creamfields cos it was so shit!!
I have alot of respect for him for what he's done for the clubscene. DJing wise, he sometimes is good, he sometimes is shit. Its worth paying to get into Promise just to see Lee and Richard play anyway IMO.
Thats what its all about at the end of the day, he does well for Promise and always gets a good crowd in, he's a legend in his own right! Unfortunatley I dont think I can make Promise on Boxing day
In other words toe the company line .... well, I think he's a great guy, his mix albums are great, really innovative. Jimmy is right though, it's what the kids want.
Ahhhh the old Judge Jules chestnut, he is as loved as he is hated throughout the land, my personal opinion of him is 90% of the times i have seen him in this country and abroad he has been superb, the only problem i have with him is when he plays he attracts charvas, anybody who has been to Judgement Sunday in Ibiza will know exactly what i mean also he tends to play very similar sets wherever he plays at times its like he has a tape on again people who went to more than one Judgement Sunday this year will know what i mean. i hear Danny Rampling loves him.........not !!!!
i poss wudn't have found it so bad if every 3 seconds he hadn't been shouting...this is creamfields & your listening to radio1...it just pissed me off but have never fancied seeing him anywhere else either.....
Ok he is a crowd pleaser but sum1 has to do it, right? U are gauranteed tho to hear some good tunes with him. He aint my fav DJ technically and tune selection but I luv his atittude, every time I hav seen him his charism has been full of energy.
He did exactly the same thing when he played the Saturday at the Radio one weekender in Iibza but i guess thats cause its in his contract to do so, when he tries he is fantastic but as i say sometimes he sets are very lazy to say the least !
it was a piss take how often he was ssaying it...he must've got commission everytime he said it!!! but like i said i ain't fancied seeing him any other time either!!!
Did you hear about the time some lad walked up to the DJ stand in Crasher and showed him his t-shirt which read "Judge Jules is a cunt" to which he leaned over and hit the lad wearing it...........................mint !!!
The lad was meant to be standing there provoking(sp) Jules to hit him for ages, theres only so much a person can take. Stupid cunt, thats so disrespectful:evil:
The judge is definitely It's worth the BBC's extortionate licence fee just to hear his cheesy one-liners on R1! Might not be the best in the world technically, but you can't say he's not a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.
Julesisms are class like. There was a competition on the Radio1 site to chose the best one a while back