just before i go... worst thing in the world... charver lasses with kids! stormin past ur window at 2 in the morn or any time!!!
tell me about it I work in a 'reputable' sports shop (which shall remain nameless) and we get the charvs in every day asking: "How mista de ya sell ne rockports like" FFS! :evil:
they do!! a coke can to get the fringe & a can of hairspray to hold it in place b4 removing the coke can to leave a perfect charva fringe!!
we used to get the same at Nevisport... HELLO U DUMBFUCK WE SELL STUFF FOR THE MOUNTAINS NOT FOR TRAIPSIN ABOUT TOWN IN!!! hehe *evils it* try Blacks
lolol no doubt that the staff at blacks would say the same thing! that brings me on to my next point - if no reputable sports shop or shoe shop stocks them, WHERE DO THEY COME FROM? And can we put a stop to them?
Re: Re: just before i go... i'll give him one of mine:evil: :evil: and karl how was smile last night mate