Just Dance (Remix)

Discussion in 'Productions' started by Rory Space, Jul 24, 2009.

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  1. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
    Likes Received:
    South Shields
    Just Dance (Remix)

    Alreet folks,

    Yes this is a Lady Gaga Just Dance remix lol... let me explain

    I started this remix a while ago as im working on quite allot of stuff, remixes & my own. I went on a forum & was talking to a guy about remixing & it just so happened to be the guy that done a remix of this tune & he said to me if I can remix this I can remix almost anything, so I thought fuck it, I’ll give it a bash.

    I done this with nothing more given than her acapella & 1 Midi sample which I had to cut up myself & it was of pretty shit quality, also at 120 Bpm :mad: It was by far the hardest thing I’d ever attempted in music production.

    I know I might be digging myself a grave here as it's "lady gaga" but as I’ve said in allot of posts im a trance head but love almost anything production related, I spend endless hours on production, just aswell my lass finished me & I have no kids :rolleyes:

    I uploaded the remix to YouTube not so long ago & within 2 hours of it being uploaded it had over 600 plays & god knows how many (pretty decent) comments, probly by charvers :lol: so I decided to send it to her label which was about as easy as finding gold dust on shields beach. Anyway they didn’t say no, and didn’t say yes but did say they would get back to me. I won’t build my hopes up.

    I know I could get the book thrown at me for this even uploaded to soundcloud, but fuck it, thought I’d stick it up here & only here as I took the video off YouTube, to see what any of you think. I’m not going to bite the head off any rotten comments as this was only a fuck about to start with :)

    Sorry about the report! haha, had to get that out. Thanks for playing it if u have & like I said it was only a project, i do feel it's a bit to thumping for her vocals, not everyones cuppa but may be manys, if anything comes of it then fair enough as i wont be wastin anymore time on it :)

    P.s this remix is cut down version.
    :::::: http://soundcloud.com/rory_space/lady-gaga-just-dance-rory-space-remix
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. graham

    graham Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    Personally mate i am not keen on it musically (no real surprise there though with it being a trance lady gaga remix ;) ) though its definitely the type of thing you could see getting played in Liquid or on Galaxy radio, so from that perspective people would play it and it might do well - you have done a canny job of remixing it.

    Like you say even if it doesnt get picked up by her label its experience in remixing a track that you wouldnt normally touch, which can only be a good thing and will stand you in good stead for any other remix projects that are less challenging to say the least... :)
  4. Elektro_Tek

    Elektro_Tek Registered User

    Feb 17, 2004
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    The actual 'backing track' isn't too bad mate... I think the vocal doesn't sit right though. The vocal needs more work, some EQ and FX. Maybe chop it up a bit?
  5. Jase

    Jase Blue Booked

    Nov 7, 2004
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    of what i listened to, i thought parts of the track sounded really good, its just a shame the vocal doesnt sit with it - theres loads of awkward bits and key clashes.

    i would definitely rethink the vocals and get the track to compliment them a bit more :up:

    theres money (or fame) to be had remixing at the minute and i wouldn't worry about getting in to too much trouble, the record companies are getting free promo from it. some folk are getting deals from it
  6. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I don't see any problem with attempting a remix of a commercial tune fella.

    A fair few bands have started off playing covers of other people's tracks as well as their own stuff - if it helps you get noticed what's the harm in that?

    When creating a track from scratch you have complete freedom. When you're creating it round someone else's vocal or riff you have to put your own slant on it. In some ways it's a lot more of a challenge :up:
  7. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Obviously not comapring the 2, but if theres any justification to remixing/writing these types of tracks all you have to do is look at Eric Prydz.

    Money making machine.

    Releases HUGE chart topping commercial tracks whilst having his other projects bubbling away which in turn get them the exposure they need to do well.
  8. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
    Likes Received:
    South Shields
    Bloody hell lads thanks allot for ur comments, I really didn't expect any praise in this remix, I suppose theres a few bits that may need done to it like che said some better fx, was just shockingly hard working with that acapella :lol:

    This is the main reason I uploaded it to here because I knew it would either be Scrap it comments, or work on it comments if u get me. B4 I uploaded it to here I was actually thinking of just scrapping it.

    But thanks allot for the comments though, I could do some more to it and like you all said it may do me some good, or allot of bad :lol:, bit money/fame etc who knows :)

    Think I need something for my screen like my eyes are starting to fuck up big time, heads thumping :( :down:

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