Kerazy Old Man Is my Dad ... Hes been sorting the garden out today, now isnt this more of a summer activity?! Just asked him why he was doing it in this weather and he said 'cuz Im trying to give up smoking and needed something to do' :crazy: It'll all be overgrown again by next weekend with this rain
Re: Kerazy Old Man i once peter kay said you know when your getting like your dad when you keep a piece of wood for mixing paint, funny that like
Re: Kerazy Old Man About this time 2 years ago my dad had the ladders on the roof of the kitchen extension so he could do something with the gutter on the roof of the house, but with it being wet, the roof that the ladders were on was slippy (we had it covered with this white material instead of the normal tar type and it's smoooooth). Suprisingly the ladder slipped and he came belting down off the room and landed arse first into a large plantpot. Thats a kerazy old man. Leave your dad alone and tell him to keep up the good work on the ground
Kodak moment haha! My old mans done loads of kerazy things ... this for example takes the biscuit - whilst doing up the kitchen, he went to install the new electric cooker. He cut through a live wire and gave himself a massive electric shook. Not only had he not turned the electric off but he wasnt wearing any gloves or rubber soled boots. Now this could have been a genuine mistake for your average joe but hes been a builder (of all the trades) his entire life and knew damn well what he was doing Oh how I laughed