Kids Make me laugh so much. :laugh: Stephen's baba is currently rolling around the floor underneath the bed quilt pretending to be a dinosaur :spangled: occasionally jumping out to GET me!! Some of the stuff they come out with too :laugh: Kids are well cute, cant wait til Im older
i have the most gorgeous god-daughter ellie-kate, she's just gone 2 and never shuts up!! she makes me laugh with some of the things she comes out with! they're so cheeky at that age!
actually just the other day, ellie called her mammy (cassie) poo face??! where do they get that from!
awww i love kids, sooooo much!! training to be a primary schoool teacher.....its soo hard not to laugh at the mad stories and comebacks they get ya with!....was wkd working with them all summer, in newyork... cant wait till im a mam...not till im at least 30 tho.... kids
tbf when kids say sumthing wrong u cant help but laugh ........... i have a friend who has a young lad of 3 and the stuff he says which he shouldnt have said, we couldnt help but we had to tell him off and go into the kitchen and laugh!!! its funny as fook when it comes from a kids mouth as they dont realise wot there sayin!! lol
My 3 nieces are the most lovely little beings in the world (well, apart from the oldest, she seems to have the families evil genes in her somewhere...) But I'm getting a vasectomy
@ 'breeding' The little un makes me laugh sometimes. Stephen makes it worse tho He tells him to bite my bum, so Im racing round the room with a 2 year old trying to munch on my butt thinking its the funniest thing ever Its nice when they just come and give ya a hug tho,or say they love ya Bless....
my nephew came 2 live wiv me nd me mam, wen he was 1. me mams canny old, so i mayaswell hav raised him. i dropped outa college 2 luk afta him n i neva workd 4 almost 2 years coz we cdnt get a baysitter. (i think thats part of the reason his school counsellor sed he needed proffesional help) but he is propa class, but peter says i spoil him 2 much!! evrytym we r at a party (4 a wedding or sumthin) he jus dances all nite. he doesnt dance like a kid either, hes really gud! i totally cnt wait 2 hav my own!! i want 1 now!