kit kats & big bro am a bit shit faced as ive been on the wet stuff tonight and half my finges dont work but am i right in assuming that if ive got a gold kit kat rapper i am a possiblility for big bro? thank you and stuff
the length some people will go to ,to become a z list celeb for there 15minutes of fame in the big brother house is unbeliveable
i would go in, hammer all the fuckers inside the house, be loved by a minority of the veiwing public, then blow the fucker up when i get evicted.
do i sense a bet coming on, the only bit i wouldnt do is blow it up, the rest is so true it hurts. i fucking hate every 1 who is in that house. i dont understand how people can watch it, i would rarther cover my testicles in fish paste and dip them in a tank of hungry Piranhas. imo
its possible but the media focus is crazy id come out with storys in the papers like My wild nights of passion with ian ,and be like who the fucks that or some other make belive story
it is true like, but i reckon you won't be a proper housemate, i reckon the winner of the prize draw will only go in for a couple of weeks then leave.
Shes an absolute mong unit ! Shes clearly got a good team of people around her and theyve managed to turn a beast with the intelectual capacity of brain dead slug into a rich ugly twat ! Pretty impressive really
no stars write there own autobiographies, they tell a writer what they want to say/what happened in there life and then it is written for them. Somehow i'm thinking jade has had a very eventful life, so far.
oh is that right, i thought it was a prize draw, but i thought theres no way this could happen incase its a serial killer or something
it will probably be like one of trance dj posts hi im jade goddy and this is my autwobiograffy i carnt wayt to tel you my lyfe storry innit
If ur Psychotic jock mincer who can't play big bro u shouldnt need a kitkat, same goes if u r a smelly cheating black woman or a royal connected boring ponce who cant play the game properly either!!
if you're as draindead and gullible in person as you are on here you'll be an instant figure of ridicule