Kodak Moment Mwahahahahaha!!! I was just walking through a car park and this lad came flying along on his bike, he tried to do a 'cool' skid round the corner .... but fukt it and went head first over the handle bars :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
If I hadnt been the only person there I would have ... but I felt a bit tight ... and I wouldnt have been able to keep a straight face long enough to get away
Now see this is the problem, the older you get the more embarassing it is when you fuck up! I wanna get some skates again are relive my FX-1s days BUT Id blatantly fall over infront of loads of people
i had a racer when a was a young'n and it had foot holders on the pedals, well it was windy as fook one day and a went to cross the road but had to stop for the cars and before a could even get me feet out in time a big gust of wind just blew s straight over me bastard leg and shoulder as if the was'nt enough:evil:
I once went to kick this stupid lads bike over whilst he was on it .... but i slipped as I did it and my foot got caught in the spokes and I got dragged on to the floor
I was on my way home from a holiday when i was younger, think it was Majorca and being such a late departure i wasn't too awake and walked straight into a glass window thinking it was a door.
About a year ago I saw this young girl at school push open one of the glass doors when it was a "pull" door and her face splattered off the glass